I am really really, REALLY tired. I worked from 9am till 3.30am yesterday, only had 6 hours of sleep and I continued working from 9am today till now as I need to clear a few of my client’s work before I could start working on this site. And finally my site is completed. It is really a nerve wrecking time for me because I depend a lot on this website to bring me business. When I took my site down yesterday at 6pm, I swear my heart stopped for a few second when the blank page showed up instead of my website. And even the admin login failed. (because I shift my wordpress from one folder to the root folder).
So many things ran through my mind. What if i screw this up and my site will never run again, what if I can’t do this? For heaven sakes this is CMS! You are a GRAPHIC design, and your coding sucks. what if your site will never be up and there will be no more enquires and you have to go back to full time job…. arghhhh… nooooooooo!
So I read a lot of forums yesterday, watched so many youtube tutorials, and thank god! Everything went really well and I am really happy with the outcome. Just that I am a teenie tinie bit worried about the SEO aspect of this website. From an on page seo analysis to choosing what keywords to use all seems a little overwhelming. I’m also a little concerned about learning how to code as that seems like quite a big task to get involved in. I’ve learned how to do a lot of my own SEO by reading a lot of forums and articles, but I’m still debating whether to use wp or wix for seo reasons. So more research and education into SEO aspects will be needed. And frankly speaking, I am not very sure what I did in the previous site to get myself so visible on the search engine. So I am keeping my fingers crossed and pray really hard that my ranking will not drop. (please god please….)
So now, I am quite confident with my cms skills right now. Mwahaha. I have been rejecting clients who request for CMS website in the past. I think… I have the courage to take them now… So, any one needs my help to build a CMS website for them? *wink*